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I played your game and it was fun. I really liked the music. It would help alot if you could check out my channel and possibly subscribe! Thank you!

Fantastic work, definitely my favorite from the jam!

I’d love to hear more about the development process; since both the level design and platform mechanics are so tightly coupled to the song you chose for the soundtrack, which did you build first? I imagine it would be difficult to iterate on either after the fact without redoing the other as well.

(1 edit)

I'm glad you had fun with the game. Development wise, I had the song in mind from the very beginning, as well as the platformer mechanic. I started by labeling the beats in FMOD, and used an integration that lets Unity play tracks from FMOD and receive FMOD labels. Looks something like this:

These labels tells Unity when the jumps are, what texts to send at what parts of the song to loop. The map was made with the song and beatmap in mind, and I added some standard platformer tricks to make jumping less strict. The checkpoints helps limit the effects of any changes I make, so it was not too time consuming.

This is really fun, neat concept!

Thanks! Glad you enjoyed the game.

I really like the idea of the game! The visual felt polish too~ 

Although there's an awkward part where I'm too early to the jump spot (after respawn) and have to wait 2-3 secs. 

I'm glad you enjoyed the game and thanks for the feedback. The 2-3 secs respawn time was intended for the case where you failed to push the box on the second checkpoint somehow, but in hindsight I should've added more logic to decrease downtime.