!! IMPORTANT !! Correction: JKL; are attacks. Not HJKL. Bug fixes will commence after the rating period.

Play as a samurai seeking to exterminate an elusive necromancer. He has long left this timeline, so the only way to confront him is to use an Ancient Device to travel back in time.

Due to the lack of time, the final encounter with the necromancer hasn't been implemented. Once you have bravely fought through 3 stages the game loops on itself, but the difficulty will continue to ramp up. Try to survive as long as you can.

As kids, we really enjoyed playing the original Risk of Rain. This is our attempt at recreating something similar.


Thuleanx and Valkoy


Character and Boss sprite by Valkoy

First Level Tileset: https://ansimuz.itch.io/warped-city
First Level Background: https://ansimuz.itch.io/cyberpunk-street-environment

Game Level Tilesets all from: https://hugues-laborde.itch.io/
Underwater Environmental Art: https://ansimuz.itch.io/underwater-fantasy-pixel-art-environment

- Baby Boxer (https://penusbmic.itch.io/character-pack-ii)
- Eyeball, Trash Monster, and Toothwalker (https://penusbmic.itch.io/monster-pack-i)
- Floating Skull: https://untiedgames.itch.io/floating-skull-enemy
- Swordman: https://hugues-laborde.itch.io/pixelartpacksidescroller

Spell Icons: https://mythril-age.itch.io/mythril-age-spell-icons-v1
Item icons: https://kyrise.itch.io/kyrises-free-16x16-rpg-icon-pack
Font: https://poppyworks.itch.io/silver
Keyboard: https://gerald-burke.itch.io/geralds-keys




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I cant move after tutorial D:

It's an unfortunate bug that I found shortly after waking up the morning of the Jam's ending. The patch to fix this issue (as well as adding more features) will be coming when the Jam ends.